What coaches want...shhhhh, its a secret...not really, but you would think it is. Do you want to be the type of player coaches want on their team? Coaches want more than just physical skill they want personalities conducive to a team environment. There are 5 key attitudes to avoid during your career in sports whether high school or college. If you notice you're guilty of any of them, now is the time to make adjustments so you can make a more positive impact on your team and your coach.I Can't - The "I can't" attitude gets old very fast. If you insist that you "can't" do something, why should your coach keep you on the team? Keep in mind the body does what the mind tells it to. So if you say to yourself, "I can't do this," how is your body ever going to follow through on the things you want it to?I Forgot - I forgot my shoes or I forgot about practice...Be responsible. You know when practices and games are scheduled. It's not as if these events are sprung on you at the last minute. Don't just rely on your parents to make sure you have everything you need. This is not their team, this is not their practice and this is not their season. It's yours.Too Much Talk - When your coach is talking, your focus needs to be on your coach. It is very rude and disrespectful not only to your coach, but to your entire team if you talk while your coach is talking. You may be wondering why the coach repeats the same thing over and over, but if you're paying attention and the coach knows his/her message is getting through, then they may not need to go over things again and again. Also, look your coach in the eye not at the stands, your parents, your girlfriend or boyfriend while he or she is talking...that is called respect and total focus...which your coach will notice.Don't Make Excuses - Get the job done and don't let excuses get in the way. The other team is playing on the same field as you. Don't blame these things for your bad performance. Instead of making excuses, focus all of your effort and energy on playing your best. It's tough to get the job done anyway, so don't waste any of your energy or focus on grumbling, when you need all your energy to make the plays that need to be made. Your excuse may be very valid...but it's an excuse no matter how you look at it...remember that.Why is He or She Playing? You may not always agree with your coach's decisions, but questioning his or her choices in front of your teammates does NOT help the team and its a sure gaurentee that you are on the road to being blackballed right off the team no matter what your talent may be...I have seen great talent get blocked because of attitude. It's important that everything you say and do helps every playeron the team do their best. With every action, you're either helping your team get closer to its goals or keeping it further away from its objective. If you have serious questions about your coach's decisions, you need to set up a time to talk to your coach individually. Coaches like team players with Positive attitudes. Do a self check on yourself and notice if you hear yourself saying any of the things mentioned above. If so, see how you can change and become a player coaches love to have on their team.Remember sometimes its the little things that add up to big things in life, the smallest tweak or the adjustment to your attitude can make a world of difference in yourself, your team and in your future...best advise I can give anyone, especially young athletes...COACH "G".
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