High School Athlete College Recruiting Service...founded by a Johnny "COACH" Galeas and a group of dedicated fathers of student athletes and former High School & Collegiate coaches. COACHPOST1 has created a database that allows high school athletes to be seen and recruited by Colleges across the nation. and will get your information into the decision makers hands with links to the NCAA Clearinghouse and NCAA site that will provide you with
what you need to get started either on your own or with COACHPOST1...especially if you find it all a little confusing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

high school coaches in athletic recruiting...

well, I think the hope is that most HS coaches play a huge role in the athletic recruiting process. The problem is that most just don’t have time to do much outside of occasionally talking to college coaches. Some athletes have better experiences than others as it just depends on the HS coach and their background in dealing with the recruiting process. It is not part of their job descriptions, but boy does it help...if they do take an active process in getting their graduating

athletes into colleges to play at the next level, but to expect them to do it...your lucky if you have a coach that actually has the time. He/She may also be a teacher or counslor and after watching hours of game tape and breaking down the last game and preparing for the next game its alot to ask. You can though get them to supply some game film, or write a letter of recommendation on your talent and attributes that then you or a recruiting service like COACHPOST1 will then send to the coaches for you.

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