High School Athlete College Recruiting Service...founded by a Johnny "COACH" Galeas and a group of dedicated fathers of student athletes and former High School & Collegiate coaches. COACHPOST1 has created a database that allows high school athletes to be seen and recruited by Colleges across the nation. and will get your information into the decision makers hands with links to the NCAA Clearinghouse and NCAA site that will provide you with
what you need to get started either on your own or with COACHPOST1...especially if you find it all a little confusing.

Monday, January 23, 2012

High School - College Athletic recruiting 2013...Let's get started

Here we go guys...2013 and it's already starting to heat up on the high school athletic recruiting scene. COACHPOST1 is going to make it a little easier figuring your way around the maze. 1000's of high school seniors are waiting for the phone to ring from college coaches...some of those calls will be made, but many highly talented athletes will not get that call. So, what the heck happened? What did I do wrong...the answer is complicated and getting more complicated everyday but one of the most important reasons is "VISIBILITY". There are many ways that you can do right now to raise your visibility among the college coaches and universities that will improve your chances of being offered a college scholarship. 
As soon as you read this and if you are reading this obviously you are starting to do something
...DONT WAIT, begin working on you college recruiting. 

Approx. 1 out of 25 high school athletes go on to the next level to compete at an NCAA school. Odds are better than some other sports but in general 1 in 50 recieve athletic scholarships. Talent is important, but your talent must come to the attention of coaches. Some things you can do to improve your visibiltiy right away...start making phone calls, visiting schools and meeting coaches. There are many rules that prevent coaches from contacting you except for certain times per year, but you can contact the college coaches if you follow the NCAA rules and guidelines which will give you a head start on the competition. This will be one of the biggest games you will ever play so take it seriously and try to have fun with it as it is fun if you follow the rules. On my COACHPOST1 blog I have links to the NCAA Clearinghouse and NCAA site that will provide you with what you need to know to get started. If you find all of it confusing and want a little extra help that is where the COACHPOST1 service comes into play. 

For $99 a very small fee COACHPOST1 will provide you with information on college recruiting and what and how to get moving and give you the College Coach High School Athlete Bio-Stat form with information needed by the college and coaches to help them make valid decisions in the recruiting process. 

With all that has been in the news lately with Athletes making poor decisions with sports recruiting...Parents should take an active part in your son/daughters recruiting process...you can do this better than anyone. send an email to coachpost1@gmail.com to get started with the service or if you request a little more information.

Here is an important link that YOU NEED right now...if you are planning on playing your sport in college...http://web1.ncaa.org

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For free recruiting advice, check out NCSA Athletic Recruiting's blog at http://www.ncsasports.org/blog/.