High School Athlete College Recruiting Service...founded by a Johnny "COACH" Galeas and a group of dedicated fathers of student athletes and former High School & Collegiate coaches. COACHPOST1 has created a database that allows high school athletes to be seen and recruited by Colleges across the nation. and will get your information into the decision makers hands with links to the NCAA Clearinghouse and NCAA site that will provide you with
what you need to get started either on your own or with COACHPOST1...especially if you find it all a little confusing.

Monday, January 18, 2016

COACHPOST1 can help and maybe if you are one of the lucky ones play college sports and get a great college education in the process…Keeping the Dream alive!

Here is a link to the NCAA  Web site http://www.ncaa.org which you should get very familiar with if you are serious about playing college sports Also, on this site you will find the Eligibility Center Link (which is the NCAA Clearinghouse) YOU MUST register if your son or daughter wants to play Division I, II college sports and a good idea even if playing Division III
This is an NCAA Rule and Obligation for the student athletes and parents...do not try to go around this. 

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