High School Athlete College Recruiting Service...founded by a Johnny "COACH" Galeas and a group of dedicated fathers of student athletes and former High School & Collegiate coaches. COACHPOST1 has created a database that allows high school athletes to be seen and recruited by Colleges across the nation. and will get your information into the decision makers hands with links to the NCAA Clearinghouse and NCAA site that will provide you with
what you need to get started either on your own or with COACHPOST1...especially if you find it all a little confusing.

Monday, October 12, 2009

crap shoot at best...sometimes you just don't know who to recruit...

High school/College athletic recruiting you would like to think is an exact science but its not...A bunch of college coaches get together every year and look at thousands of players in different sports, read the bio's, look at film - tape and listen to just about anyone who will talk to them about how good a player is...then what happens is - they throw the dice.
A lot more than talent goes into it, but talent is KING in this recruiting process. If you got it...you got it. Coaches in high school see it, parents and other players see it...but it does not stop there. You may be the best on your team, your district...you league, but once you jump out of one pit you jump into another one which is loaded with the best of the best and some with just hopes and dreams. What you did in class, on and off the field...ATTITUDE, size
speed, act sat tests all play a part of what happens next. I have said many times and if you talk to anyone who is in the recruiting game they will all tell you the same thing............its worth it, if you have what it takes, but again the coaches and universities have the final say and to be honest with you - you never really know what they are thinking even when you talk to them. Give them a lot of credit though that they seem to do a pretty good job of sorting through all the players they come in contact with. COACHPOST1 has just made it a lot easier...not that are price was one of the lowest in the recruiting services available but now we are lowering the cost 1 more time from $99 to $89, we give you everything you need to start going after your dream. This web site blog is also loaded with FREE information about training, ideas and other funny stuff about high school athletic recruiting.

You can get updated scores at the bottom of the blog, there are links to NCAA, ESPN and other pretty cool stuff - so please check us out and pass the word to your friends. We all remember RUDY...

Rudy Ruettiger was born in 1948 in Joliet Illinois into a lower class family of steel mill workers. Upon graduating from high school, Rudy worked at a power plant both before and after serving in the Navy. After losing his best friend in an industrial accident at the plant, Rudy decided to no longer waste time by putting off his dreams. He set out for the University of Notre Dame with hopes of one day playing football for the Fighting Irish....THE REST IS HISTORY. check out this link...and enjoy

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