High School Athlete College Recruiting Service...founded by a Johnny "COACH" Galeas and a group of dedicated fathers of student athletes and former High School & Collegiate coaches. COACHPOST1 has created a database that allows high school athletes to be seen and recruited by Colleges across the nation. and will get your information into the decision makers hands with links to the NCAA Clearinghouse and NCAA site that will provide you with
what you need to get started either on your own or with COACHPOST1...especially if you find it all a little confusing.

Friday, October 16, 2009

...when a Friday night High School game feels just as big as a NFL Football game

...when a Friday night High School game feels just as big as a NFL football game or a College game on Saturday...it just does not get any better than that. I just turned 50 and it still gives me chills. When you son or neighbors boy says Dad...I can't wait until I can play on that football field. If this doesn't want to make you suit up and run down on the field and say to your coach "COACH PUT ME IN" I have added some links something that will pump you up. So, to all the high school football players that are reading this...go get em, leave your heart on the field and enjoy the night.

Coach G...scroll down and on the right side of the COACHPOST1 Blog you will find
the video links...but before that check out these links, get some popcorn this is crazy!
and I leave you with this one...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_13o69MrZo

also, stay tuned in guys/gals...one of the best new personal trainers will be featured on this
blog very soon Mr. Don Kimbro...get ready to bring it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

drop and give me 20!! lol